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Applied art
ost of galleries involved in contemporary art business avoid decorative and applied art. Perhaps because applied art mostly associated with "hand-made articles'', which are of good quality, but often do not have a special practical and artistic value. Or with folk crafts, which are really interesting only for souvenir shops now. However, if you read carefully the definition of "applied art”, you may find that it names the objects which have an aesthetic quality, cause artistic effect, serve for everyday life and interior design - e.g. they have those qualities that most people are focused on when buying works of art. Applied art has existed since an early stage of development of human society and for many centuries it has been an important, and for a number of tribes and nationalities the main field of artistic creation. An exceptional richness of content, attention to aesthetics of material, and a rational construction of a form, emphasized by decor are characteristics of ancient works of arts and crafts. Such objects, but made by modern masters, are exactly what we collect in our gallery, and among them there are carvings (in wood or bone), small objects (metal or stone), collages (made of any material), stained glass and other author's art objects, such as modern hand-made masks, wooden installations, self-propelled objects, and much more. The main criteria of choice are a uniqueness, originality and the highest quality of each work. Read more
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