Роман ШустровАрсен АветисянЮрате ЯсявиченеЯпонияАндрей ДроздовАфрикаАфджатикаРоман ШустровКонстантин КалиновичМихаил и Инесса ГармашАфджатика
urrent collection of the gallery is the result of long and painstaking work. We select art objects very carefully. We often work with diverse and seemingly unrelated items, but nevertheless we try to create a complete and “solid” experience, which must remain with our guests after meeting with the gallery. It does not matter what kind of art is in question – is it modern or antique paintings, drawings, sculptures, or artdolls, picture, antique furniture or African wood, Japanese bronze or anything else. We simply guarantee that all our items are unique, interesting, and certainly worth of attention. And they are always nice, despite in recent years the most important - aesthetic - criteria for evaluation of works of art is becoming less and less popular among art dealers and art critics.  
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