Станислав НикиреевАфджатикаЮрате ЯсявиченеСаша ХудяковаДмитрий ЯковинАндрей ДроздовАфрикаСергей КондрашкинАфрикаЕлена НовиковаЧинг Кек Хоу
Sergei Kondrashkin
ergei Kondrashkin is a young man with pronounced Mongolian type of face. He is engaged in mountain climbing, capoeira - Portuguese either dance, or fight - and all the girls like him very much. Sergei knows and loves mythology - Greek, Indian, Scandinavian, Biblical. He creates images which are powerful in their simplicity and very sincere. His Genghis Khan is an ugly hunched old man, relentlessly watching viewers through narrow slits of his keen eyes. His Yakodzuny - sumo wrestlers - balance against the laws of gravity, and a Phoenix is impressed at the moment of his rebirth from ashes. Sergei is interested not only in mythology and philosophy: recently he has been busy with creating a series of works which was conventionally named "Heaven and earth patron saints of Russia." In this series simple but at the same time strong and bold images of St. Nicholas, the Virgin, St. Andrew, St. George and others has already been created, embodied in rough, weathered metal and supple, beautiful bronze.

Works of the artist in Drawing section
Project: Celestial protectors of Russia 
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