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Fedor Krushelnickiy
Fedor was born in Donbass, Ukraine, and later moved to St. Petersburg, where he graduated from the Sculpture Department of Mukhin Art and Industry Academy. And became a sculptor (he works with bronze and ceramics), keeping the spirit of a miner's family in his works and a coloring of Eastern Ukraine in his speech.At first glance, the epithet 'monumental' is the best one for characterizing Fedor’s sculptures. First of all because of his works’ names: 'Cronos', 'Structure', 'Sun God'. Secondly, because of his works’ size: his 'Sphinx', for example, is a bas-relief depicting an armoured  Grasshopper 1,5 meters wide preparing for a jump. And at the end Fedor deals with such global concepts and meaningful names as a Soviet figure skating, Yuriy Gagarin, Makhno.  The sculptor has created his own system of symbols and signs that seem to be incomprehensible, but only until the master begins to talk about them. His work 'Chronotope', for example, is a meaningless conglomeration of geometric shapes at a first glance, but after a conversation with the author it turns to a logical combination of signs, his thoughts about time and space through geometry.
Also Fedor has a series of animalistic sculptures (the author himself does not like them, calling them “the sculptures for making money”). They are small (compared with what Fedor does for his heart) but very nice. And it doesn’t matter that a bronze frog can be moved from place to place only by two person, a little fish-kuzovok was an elephant in its past life, and a ceramic lion looks like both sphinx and a vase.
Fedor has already managed to go down in history: his statue Vodovoz can be found on a square in Kronstadt, and his two bronze works are in the yard of the Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Even the Metropolitan Museum of Art bought one of his works (and we won’t tell anyone that it’s not a famous building in New York but just our subway), which also indicates a recognition.
But we appreciate Fedor not only for the scale of his works and the above-mentioned regalia. When he comes to visit our gallery for a glass of tea, he changes, turning from a good sculptor to a wonderful storyteller, art historian and art critic, who remains a friendly, interesting and very cheerful person.  ? ?
Fedor Krushelnitsky was born on December 11, 1963 in Donbass, Ukraine. ? In 1996 he graduated from the Sculpture Department of Mukhin Art and Industry Academy in St. Petersburg. Since 1997 he has been a member of the Russian Union of Artists. Currently he lives and works in St. Petersburg.
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