Роман ШустровДмитрий ЯковинЯпонияАрмен ГаспарянАфрикаКонстантин КалиновичАрмен ГаспарянАфрикаФотографияАндрей ГонюковАрсен Аветисян
ccording to the dictionary, the word graphics (originated from the Greek. Graph - writing) – is a type of fine art, using lines, strokes, spots and points made by pencil or ink on paper or textile. We allowed ourselves to considerably extend this definition, and in the gallery collection all works executed on paper, whether it's watercolor, drawing or print are classified as graphic art. There are light and monochrome pencil sketches, and a compound made in mixed media; acrylic paintings on cardboard, and calligraphy; weightless, vibrant watercolors, and thin, pretentious works with ink, and various types of prints such as etching lithograph, drypoint and aquatint in our large collection. We try to show the modern graphics in all its diversityWe work with artists from St. Petersburg and Moscow, Ukraine and France, deal with young and famous artists, participate in exhibitions and search masterpieces for our own collection.
We just really love graphics.
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