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Albert Avetisian

lbert Avetisyan is not just a good sculptor but a People's Artist of Armenia. As any eastern man, he feels and understands women in a special way and his works are always sexy and full of elegance. Albert Avetisyan can be described as the most erotic sculptor among the older generation of masters. In recent years he has been living in France, so people of Russia are not often able to see his works, but, fortunately, before he moved to France Albert managed to pass his professional secrets to his son and successor - Arsen Avetisyan.
Albert Avetisyan was born in 1949. He graduated from the Yerevan Art Academy (1971). About 20 of his monuments, monumental and decorative sculptures were installed in cities of Armenia, Ukraine, Russia and France. He is a member of the Artists Union of Armenia, the Union of Professional Artists of UNESCO, and European Academy of Arts. Currently Albert Avetisyan lives and works in France.

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